The Story of Icky Women

Leviticus 12:1-8

During summer vacation, Beth went to visit her aunt and uncle with her parents. Beth's Uncle Joseph was there to greet her, but she couldn't see her Aunt Mary anywhere.
Later on, Beth was playing in the back yard, and she noticed that Aunt Mary was living in the shed behind the house. Puzzled by this, she went into the house to tell her mother.
Beth found her mother in the kitchen making lunch for everyone. "Mother," Beth said, "why is Aunt Mary living in the shed?"
"Because the Bible tells her to, Dear One," answered Beth's mother. "Here, let me tell you a story about that."
And this is the story she told:

One day, God was talking to Moses and he said, "I have some rules for you to tell the Hebrews. If a woman makes a baby boy in her tummy, then she is icky for a week. After that week, the end of the baby's penis should be cut off. The woman should still act like she's icky for another thirty days and make sure that she doesn't touch anything holy or go to church until she's not icky any more.
"But if a woman has a baby girl," God continued, "she is icky for two weeks and should stay away from everyone. She should act like she's icky for sixty-six days.
"When a woman who made a baby is done being icky, then she should bring a little lamb to the temple for a priest to set on fire, and a baby pigeon or a dove for the priest to kill. After the priest kills the animals for God, God will say that the woman isn't icky any more.
"That's the law for women who have boy or girl babies. But if the woman can't get a little lamb, then she should bring two doves or two baby pigeons -- one to set on fire and one to kill for God. The priest will stop her from being icky with these."

Beth thought about this for a moment. "Does that mean that Aunt Mary is living in the shed because she's icky after having a baby?" she asked.
"That's right, Dear One," said her mother.
"Then where is the baby?" asked Beth.
"She's in the shed with your aunt," answered her mother.
Then Beth smiled and hugged her mother. All her questions had been answered and she couldn't wait for her aunt to stop being icky and kill some animals so that she could see the new baby.