The Story of Moses' Attempted Murder

Exodus 4:24-26

"You tell me so many wonderful stories about God," whispered Beth to her mother as they were looking through the library for books filed in section 616.89 . "How can it be that God is always so wise and good and people are not even though we look just like God?"
"I know that you think God is everything good in the world, Dear One," her mother answered. "That is because you are so young. Here, let me tell you of a time when God was not so good."
And this is the story she told:

One day, Moses and Zipporah were going to an inn. While they were walking, they met God and God decided to kill Moses.
Seeing that her husband was about to be killed by God, Zipporah took a sharp rock and cut off the end of her son's penis. Then she took the end of the penis and threw it on the ground and said, "Boy are you a bloody husband to me,"
So God let Moses go.
Then Zipporah said, "You're a bloody husband because I cut off the end of our son's penis."

Beth thought about this for a moment. "That doesn't make any sense at all, Mother," she said. And her mother smiled and hugged her.
"Not all of your questions can be answered, Dear One," she said and headed for books labeled 292.